PhreakNIC vol. 16 has come and gone. It was my first exposure to the tech convention and it was an absolute blast. I learned so much that I'm still processing the data and digesting the overall experience, but more important than the gained information were all of the friends that I made. You know who you are.
I have to give a big thanks to everyone involved with putting it together, but an extra special thanks to my good friend Mitchell for getting me to go in the first place. He helped make the convention what it was and introduced me to a great group of people that I hope to keep up with in the future. Wish I had attended a long time ago.
Event highlights for me were the talks given on cyber security, magnetic physics, and personal identity security.
Oh, and the pig roast wasn't half bad either.
The coolest thing I saw at the convention though was a homemade printer that was brought in by The U. S. Department of Homemade Stuff. Cheers for the "To Infinity and Beyond" print and the good conversations.
If you are a tech enthusiast, and you have a chance to attend this convention, I strongly recommend making the trip. You'll be surrounded by like-minded people who are looking to have a relaxed weekend celebrating the things they love. With that chemistry you can't go wrong.
More information can be found here:
I have to give a big thanks to everyone involved with putting it together, but an extra special thanks to my good friend Mitchell for getting me to go in the first place. He helped make the convention what it was and introduced me to a great group of people that I hope to keep up with in the future. Wish I had attended a long time ago.
Event highlights for me were the talks given on cyber security, magnetic physics, and personal identity security.
Oh, and the pig roast wasn't half bad either.
The coolest thing I saw at the convention though was a homemade printer that was brought in by The U. S. Department of Homemade Stuff. Cheers for the "To Infinity and Beyond" print and the good conversations.
If you are a tech enthusiast, and you have a chance to attend this convention, I strongly recommend making the trip. You'll be surrounded by like-minded people who are looking to have a relaxed weekend celebrating the things they love. With that chemistry you can't go wrong.
More information can be found here: