It's late February in Greenville, South Carolina and the weather couldn't be better. I am still struggling on my quest to master object oriented programming, but I also see exponential progress in my ability. There are five weeks left of my intended time in this place and then I am headed west again. I am going back to Tennessee to be closer to where I came from. I think that Nashville is the next place I will live but for how long I don't know. Maybe for just a few weeks and maybe forever. Who's to say?
Anyways, the Iron Yard has been a great experience, and I have made excellent friends. We've helped each other survive in these trenches through grueling nights of brain teasers. However, I am ready to be finished with school so that I can wander away from organized learning again for awhile. It has its ups and its downs, but I enjoy my freedom. Well I was just checking in and now I am checking back out. Until next time.